Friday 8 July 2011

Just a fantasy


I’m trapped in this life
In a pampered world
Everything I want, but
Don’t envy me,
for I long to be free
To be just me

Who is me?
Is the person you see really me?
Or am I what everyone
Wants me to be

Can you see,
the faraway look in my eyes?
My body is here but my spirit flies
To faraway lands
With eternal happiness
And endless blue skies

Where I take off my mask
And let my soul free
Bare my thoughts to the world
And have freedom to be
Just me

But happiness eludes me
Can I ever find it?
Can it ever be?
Can I ever feel free?
Or is my wish just a fantasy?

© Mavis O’Sullivan

Christmas prayer


Are presents and feasts the reality?
As I open my eyes wide instead I see

So many children crying
So many children dying
Diseases that can’t be cured
Yet most of us filled with too much food

And Santa at our door
Laden with so many material gifts
More than our houses can store.

We have all been blessed with cars, homes
But tell me why there are still

So many houses devoid of love
So many people who’ve lost God above
So many waiting for love to arrive
So many struggling just to survive

In a world where people really do care
but feel helpless at the enormity of
a burden just too great to bear

Lets start right now in our own little way
Vowing to not pass another day

Until all the children of the world are fed
No more families with children dead
Where love resides in every place
Regardless of color, creed, or race

Let’s have talk of peace, not war and hate
Can we start right now, give caring and love
For tomorrow may just be too late.

© Mavis O’Sullivan

Le Chat

Le Chat et Le Papillon

Come play with me lovely butterfly
Let’s play a game of catch
You can fly down, I can spring high
(Laugh), It will be an even match

Oh Silly cat you’re not so smart
I know what your up to
You can spring quite high, but..
(Laugh), I can fly away from you.

You’re oh so flighty butterfly
As you flit beyond my reach, but
don’t come too close to my paws
Or a lesson I will teach

Why can’t we just be friends oh cat
Why do you always play rough?
a game should be gentle just like me,
But you always act so tough

Go away silly butterfly
I’m getting really bored
I’ll just sit here and sun myself
I think you should be ignored

A mighty gust of wind came and blew
Poor butterfly out of bounds
Bored cat quickly sprung alive
Splat, no more butterfly sounds.

© Mavis O’Sullivan



 When I first saw you I knew real love
A tiny bundle, a wonder,
I touched you, enveloped you in my arms,
clasped you to my breast, 
Feelings of love
I knew would last forever.

I watched you grow, learn, love,
experiencing all the wonders of life
Adventurous but cautious, daring but brave,
You embodied the future
Fulfilling promises of a better world
A renewing of life eternal
An inner beauty of unfulfilled passion
with an eternity to fill.
You are an unfinished symphony
A story yet to be written.

You have gained the skills to move mountains
Fight the battles of life
To do whatever it takes to enjoy earth's bounty
And take your place
in this earth's grand scheme.
You have the security of knowing,
You are loved.