Thursday 7 July 2011

New Year


Let's drink to New Year BUT not too much wine
Coz I wake next morning not feeling too fine.
My pulse starts a racin' and a throb in my head
No way to start a New Year, wishing I was dead.

I get through the day dragging my feet
Whining to every poor soul that I meet
No, this year I vowed to say no to all drinks
and not care whatever anyone thinks

and also say no to eating too much
I'll be extra strong no food will I touch
I will wake up next morning to start the New Year
to all I meet spreading hope  and good cheer

Resolutions in hand marching into the year
Meeting challenges with confidence, nothing to fear
That does sound good I think you'll agree
I'm confident this will be the new me

Ring Ring Someone calling to wish me good cheer
Or a distant friend wishing we were near
A party you say, New Years Eve, lots of food
Good friends to put you in a good mood

Of course I made your favourite dish
Bought your favourite wine, hmm too good to miss
Decisions, decisions what will I do
Give in to temptation or be strong and true

Maybe I’ll go and have one little bite
One small drink - make it last all night
Who am I kidding, what are parties for?
Family and friends and lots lots more

Forget about drink concentrate on good cheer
And a feeling of goodwill that lasts all year
Resolutions are fine, so are good times together
And love for each other that lasts forever

My intentions are good in every way
I’ll start my resolutions another day!

Mavis O’Sullivan © 2002

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