Friday 8 July 2011

Le Chat

Le Chat et Le Papillon

Come play with me lovely butterfly
Let’s play a game of catch
You can fly down, I can spring high
(Laugh), It will be an even match

Oh Silly cat you’re not so smart
I know what your up to
You can spring quite high, but..
(Laugh), I can fly away from you.

You’re oh so flighty butterfly
As you flit beyond my reach, but
don’t come too close to my paws
Or a lesson I will teach

Why can’t we just be friends oh cat
Why do you always play rough?
a game should be gentle just like me,
But you always act so tough

Go away silly butterfly
I’m getting really bored
I’ll just sit here and sun myself
I think you should be ignored

A mighty gust of wind came and blew
Poor butterfly out of bounds
Bored cat quickly sprung alive
Splat, no more butterfly sounds.

© Mavis O’Sullivan

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