Friday 8 July 2011



 (Smell the flowers)

In the morning I will arise
to the sound of a discordant alarm,
hurriedly dress and eat
and join the rat race of life.
In my efforts to survive
and acquire the materialism needed
to compete in today's world
I will not notice where I tread
until I reach my goal,
An empty goal, when reached,
quickly replaced
with an even bigger goal,
leaving me
on the never ending treadmill of life.

Please, every so often
let me get off the treadmill
and "Smell the flowers"
Let me know their beauty
let me feel the wind on my face
Let my mind be still.
Open my eyes and let me see
the uniqueness of this world
and the things we never see
in our rush to nowhere.
Let me contemplate how right things could be
if we could all stop to "Smell the flowers"

(c) Mavis O'Sullivan

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